South Florida Campus Action Network

1657 NW 17th Ave
Miami, Florida 33125
United States
South Florida CAN: What It Is, What We're Doing and What We Want to Do

The South Florida Campus Action Network is a Jobs with Justice Campaign run collectively by activists from the South Florida campus community including students and faculty as well as workers. We seek to not only bring together activists on different campuses who are already working towards social justice, but also to create a space where all people on campus can pose the unique problems they see everyday and participate in taking action to solve them!

The South Florida Campus Action Network will allow those involved to learn from one another, to cooperate, and coordinate their efforts on the many different issues and campaigns in South Florida. Our ultimate goal is to help build up a strong, cohesive movement that can strengthen the forces fighting for Social Justice in South Florida. Building a movement to empower people on campus is an essential step towards changing conditions which leave so many people in South Florida powerless and disenfranchised.

Why Should People Get Involved?

Throughout history, aware and motivated youth have been essential to movements for social change here and abroad. Our sense of justice and unity has led us to oppose the injustices that occur in this city, this country and around the world. Universities have become a place for resume building, corporate molding, and profiteering.Let's shape and restore our campuses and institutions of genuine learning so that we can have access to true education that helps make positive change in the world!

What Can A Campus Network In South Florida Actually Do?

1. The U.S. government continues to use inner city schools to recruit troops for the war effort. Counter recruitment is a cause that needs to be supported in order to provide the truth about the war and the danger of joining the military.
2. The Killer Coke Campaign is a campus-organized campaign that has been successful in informing the public about Coca Cola’s regular exploitation of its workers and fighting to kick the blood-soaked beverages off numerous campuses around the country. We can repeat those successes here with enough organization.
3. On May 1st, 2006 the University of Miami Janitors successfully won a hard-fought victory in a strike that resulted in better working conditions and the right to form a union. Now, there are workers in need of your help at the Sunset Place Mall and at Nova Southeastern University. With a campus network, students and other activists can help extend these gains to workers around South Florida, many of which are students themselves struggling to make ends meet.

Where's a Good Place To Start?

Each Sunday at 6:00pm there are meetings at the South Florida Jobs with Justice office. The address is: 1657 NW 17th Avenue Miami, Florida 33125. We welcome everybody.

This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: State
This group is a network.
Added on 08-14-2006
Updated on 08-15-2006


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