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Consensus Is Not UnanimityConsensus Is Not Unanimity: Making Decisions Cooperatively. By Randy Schutt.1537009-19-2003
U Waterloo Student Activism HistoryLong paper on University of Waterloo and a group called the Radical Student Movement during the Sixties. 28 pages.1537009-20-2003
Less WasteFlyer on using less for a more sustainable world1540003-16-2005
The Militarization of America's UniversitiesA detailed analysis. By students from UC Santa Cruz: Emily Hell and Darwin Bond Graham. 24 pages.1541008-04-2003
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Lies They ToldWeapons of Mass Destruction: Lies They Told to Sell Their War. By Elizabeth Wrigley-Field and Emily Goldstein, Campus Antiwar Network. Eight page leaflet.1541005-04-2004
A Mock Tribunal to Advance ChangeA tactical example used in Nigeria. From NewTactics.org1543001-22-2008
Labor struggles at Notre Damethis is a leaflet that will be handed out on multiple ocassions in support of workers rights. this is not a general leaflet, but hopefully other students can use the format or use it as a tool.1546010-09-2002
Ten Points to Consider Before Signing a Military EnlistmentA counter-recruitment fact sheet to hand out by United for Peace and Justice. 1 page.1546011-20-2007
Cutting the IssueSome activist organisations find the idea of ‘cutting the issue’ a helpful way to translate a daunting and complex problem into one or more ‘bite-sized’ issues where they can realistically co1546007-10-2007
Your Ecological FootprintIntroduces the concept of Ecological Footprint as defined by Wackernagel and Rees. Provides examples of how your footprint impacts our planet. Provides links to additional Ecological Footprint Resourc1547001-01-2003
Framing Public IssuesHow to most effectively communicate your message. By the FrameWorks Institute. 60 pages. 2002. www.frameworksinstitute.org1548010-13-2006
Tactics and Self-Defense for the Modern ProtesterShields, body armor, and group tactics for direct action protests. By Sarin. 25 pages.1549005-04-2004
Respecting our workforceEssay explaining why to be conscious about our communities. 806 words1550009-22-2002
Health and Safety at Militant ActionsBy On the Ground. 16 pages.1550005-04-2004
Saving and Creating Good Jobs: A Study of Industrial RetentSAVING and CREATING GOOD JOBS: A Study of Industrial Retention and Expansion Programs. Across the country, nonprofit organizations and government agencies are trying new approaches to problems 1550011-19-2006
College Democrats Comprehensive ManualThis is a great resource for starting, running and expanding your College Democrats chapter and any other left-leaning group. A must read.1557010-18-2004
FTAA: Learning From NAFTAA short overview of the Free Trade Area of the Americas with a look at the impact of NAFTA. By Public Citizen. 4 pages.1560011-06-2003
"Facing History" Part IIIPart III of the critique of "Facing History And Ourselves" curriculum. (Parts I and II are also posted here.)1566012-07-2002
FTAA: Trading Away Our EnvironmentImpact of the Free Trade Area of the Americas on the environment. By Friends of the Earth. 4 pages.1568011-06-2003
'A Disciplined Culture of Excellence'?Comments by the University of Texas-Austin student group, UT Watch (, on a strategy document for UT-Austin's next 25 years.1568002-06-2011
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