John Entropy
Permanent Address

Statesboro, Georgia 30461
United States
This is a campus activist.
30 year old anarcho-syndicalist raised in the southeast(AL and GA) to Statesboro but want to start organizing at the large univ we have here(GA Southern). Formerly involved with Internationalist Books(Chapel Hill,NC), Books Thru Bars(Chapel hill, NC), really free markets(Chapel hill, NC), written for several zines..(punk and anarchist)..formerly involved with refuse/resist..general rabble rouser and dissident..extensive knowledge of SP Civil War, FR Rev, Russian Rev, Latin American revs and political theory(all forms of anarchism, nihilism, jacobinism, fascism(know your enemy!!!)..I currently am doing organic farming on some land I own and would love some locals to get involved..pacifist if it works but pass-my-fist thru it if nonviolence fails...more Berkman, Nestor Makhno, Magon, Durutti, Nechaev, and Bakunin in my views vs. the peaceniks(dancing hippies..haha)..Jon Entropy(punk name from high skool)..get in touch i'm a bit too complex to describe in this manner but i am dedicated to the struggle, like to write and talk but ACTION is what we need...yet i'm a nice guy they say..?!?!

'If they won't fucking stop, then we'd better fucking stop them!'
General Interests: Organic farming, dogs, reading(esp. political theory, rev. history, any Orwell,huxley, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Chuck Palanuk(fight club guy), writing, playing guitar and bass, MUSIC(from REAL PUNK(ie NO MAJOR LABEL CORPORATE POP BULLSHIT OR PUNK AS FASHION
Favorite Music: PUNK RAWK(black flag-BEFORE ROLLINS), ORIGINAL MISFITS, CRASS, Chaos UK, Resist, DOOM, Amebix, Filth, Blatz, Misery, Code 13, Flux of pink Indians, JFA, the faction, DIRT, Civil Disobdience, Subhumans(UK), Defiance, Stooges, MC5,etc...), Fusion Jazz(MID 7
Favorite Books: 1984, Homage to Catalonia, Brave New World, What is to be Done?, 'catechism of a revolutionary'(pamphlet), Fathers and sons, the posessed, animal farm, survivor, fight club, choke, notes from the underground, down and out in paris and london, mini-manua
Political Views: ANARCHIST. I don't like labels but if you must
some nihilism mixed in for fun..haha
Occupation: student/organic farmer/writer/homebrewer/dissident
Networking Goals: to talk to those who give a shit about changing society and want to DO SOMETHING about it...anyone who I can learn from and teach something increase the unity and strength of our movement and show 'mainstream' society's view of the 'dirty rapi
Added on 07-07-2008
Updated on 07-07-2008

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