Danielle Mooshagian
School Address

Columbus, Ohio 43201
United States
This is a campus activist.
Life is too short to be small*

I'm Danielle, I am 20 years old and a student at The Ohio State University!

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers
General Interests: Peace Love and Lipstick :) haha... Besides that... International Studies, Anything outdoors really, Running, Diving, Travelling, Reading. My family and close friends. AVEDA.. Laughing...Swinging on the swing set... Summer storms.. the beach..Fantastic mov
Favorite Music: Anything on an album really~
Favorite Books: ...too many to name.
The things they carried
Terror in the name of God
A Farewell to Arms
Fast Food Nation
Walden.. maybe my favorite of all time.
The Looming Tower
Kokology- haha
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Eat Pray Love :)
Heart of
Political Views: You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete

Occupation: Aveda
Networking Goals: To get involved! To make a difference.
Added on 03-19-2009
Updated on 05-05-2009

Ohio State University6-2011

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