SEAC CU-Boulder

Farrand 9039
Boulder, Colorado 80310
United States
SEAC-CU strives for peace and justice on campus, in the community and around the globe. We are in the midst of numerous campaigns this semester including, but not limited to: USAS' "100% Sweatfree Campaign," a living wage for all CU employees, sustainable building technology on all construction done on campus, Fair Trade products served at all dining halls, collective negotiation for students and truly representative student union, Not-Your-Soldier counter-recruitment campaign, pesticide free campus grounds, Save Our School Contract campaign. Overextending a bit too much? Not at all. We try to keep all the concerns of our students, faculty, staff and community in our minds at all times.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 02-17-2006
Updated on 04-03-2006


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