Add a Group

If you list your group then other activists will be able to contact it to work on campaigns, share ideas, and encourage each other. After submitting this form, you can list the issues your group cares about and, if it is a campus group, the school where it is.

NOTE: Before you add a group, please make sure that it isn't already included.
As this site serves progressive activists, we will delete groups that are explicity centrist or on the political right.
*Required Field

*Group Name
To avoid duplication of names, please include your community or school as part of the name. Ex. Wooster Students for Environmental Action.

Email Privacy
  • Medium -- Uses javascript to hide your email from bots.
  • High -- Email is hidden, but you can be contacted by a form.
  • Extremely High -- You cannot be contacted.

  • Email
    Email Privacy
    For the United States and Canada, entering a zip or postal code is extremely important.
    Describe your group
    Campus Group Yes  No  
    Geographical Scope
    NetworkOnly check this if you are the central hub for a network with groups at multiple locations. Yes  No  
    *Create Your Username
    *Create Your Password
    It must be at least six characters and cannot be in the English dictionary.