Energy Justice Network

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Subsidizing Energy Injustice - Fossil Fuels just released this image counter that tracks how much the government is subsidizing fossil fuels. I am not sure if this amount is just the federal government or if it includes the states as well.

This doesn't include subsidies for other forms of dirty energy including biomass incinerators, landfill gas, trash incinerators, and other incinerators (tire, poultry waste, etc).

Radiation Maps

The EPA has a program that monitors radiation.
You can now view it without getting an account!
EPA Radiation Map

EPA Japan 2011 Disaster Page

Due to the precarious situation the nuclear plant in Japan, I did some research into finding online maps of radiation. I found two. I wonder if there are others?


Heat Maps for Coal, Gas, Nuclear, Oil and other power plants

I've got heat maps working for operating coal, nuclear, gas, biomass, hydro, and municipal solid waste incinerators.

List of Heat Maps

I broke the lower 48 states in the US into around 700,000 grid squares. Roughly 3 x 3 mile.

You can see the heat map with the markers that link to more detailed facility information, or without them.

There are three different levels of color saturation which let you decide whether to show a map saturated with facilities, or a "points of light" view.

Mapping Landfills

I recently got the landfills layer of data working on the Energy Justice Network Map. It features 2000 landfills from the EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program data set.

Go to the National Map - and turn on the layer (using the radio buttons) to see the landfills!

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