Mapping Landfills

I recently got the landfills layer of data working on the Energy Justice Network Map. It features 2000 landfills from the EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program data set.

Go to the National Map - and turn on the layer (using the radio buttons) to see the landfills!

One of the more precariously located landfills that is still operating is Venice Landfill, on the Mississippi Delta in Lousiania. According to Google Maps - it is anywhere from 6 to 18 feet above sea level. It looks like global warming will flood it - to say nothing of a hurricane.

It would be interesting to map landfills and other toxic sites that are at risk of flooding due to global warming.

Other Layers
I've also added a photos layer (from Panoramio) and a wikipedia layer - as there are many wikipedia articles about specific dirty energy facilities.