The Activism Network produces several data feeds to share information with other sites.

Note: a more powerful (but more complex) level of access to our data is available using our web services.

RSS Feeds
These provide very basic information and link back to the full entry on
  • New Resources
  • New People
  • New Groups
  • Upcoming Events

    iCal Feeds
    These feeds are based on the iCal/iCalendar standard and includes detailed information about our past and future events. There are a couple small bits of data missing from the feed - as not everything fit into the iCal standard, but these feeds can easily stand on their own to power a calendar! You can use them to create a new iCal calendar, use them as part of your website calendar, or add them to your personal calendar. I believe that all major calendar applications will support iCal.

    iCal programs include:
  • Google Calendar - nice interface, though it sometimes has trouble importing our iCal feeds.
  • 30Boxes - easily imports our iCal feeds

    The Actual iCal Feeds
    1. Upcoming Events by Geographical Scope
    There are seperate feeds for each geographical scope so that you can do things like exclude the local events feed (useful as most local events won't be in your area). These feeds only include upcoming events.
  • All
  • Local
  • Metro
  • State
  • Regional
  • National
  • International

    2. All Events by Geographical Scope
    These feeds include events that have already happenned dating back to 2003.
  • All
  • Local
  • Metro
  • State
  • Regional
  • National
  • International

    3. Upcoming Non-Local Events
    This is the same list of events that you see on the regular site calendar
  • Upcoming Non-Local Events

    If you have any questions regarding how to use these feeds, or suggestions about new feeds that we should implement - please email us.