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: All of these submissions go to the site administrator. They are private. If you add a link to a website here, nobody will ever see it.
Here you can flag a listing to tell the moderator(s) that they should take a look at it. You might want to choose one of the following reasons:
Completely Inactive
A group, campaign, or email list might be inactive or dead. If so, then let us know so we can delete them. This is particularly important with groups.
Partially Inaccurate
The record might include the wrong address, phone number, website, or other bit of information. Even if you do not know the correct information, alerting us to remove the bad information is useful.
These errors may be grammatical or come from a misunderstanding. A moderator can fix these errors and ensure that the data on this website is of the highest possible quality.
Contradicts Our Values
To fulfill our site's mission, we only want information about groups, people, resources, events (and other things) that generally fit with the left half of the political spectrum. We do not wish to make life easier for right-wing activists when they engage in right-wing causes, and thus they are not welcome to use this site to promote their causes. If you spot a group, event or resource that advocates racism, sexism, heterosexism, economic inequality, imperialism, environmental destruction or any other form of oppression - please let us know here.
Irrelevant Content or Spam
If the content is off-topic, useless, or spam.
It Should be Controlled By You
If you think you should have the right to directly edit this entry, (for instance if it is a group and the person who had the password is no longer active), then
email us
and we can give you control.
Why does this record need to be edited or moderated?
If you wish to be contacted in response to your request you can provide us with your