Resource | Long Description | Downloaded | Rating | Update |
The Multicultural, Multiracial Sweat Equity System | The Multicultural Sweat Equity System for Creating The International, Multicultural, Peace Movement headquarters known as: The Networking For Peace Multicultural Cohousing Resource Neighborhood.
O | 5036 | 0 | 04-21-2005 |
The Occupation Cookbook | On the Occupation of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb Croatia. It was occupied for five weeks in the Spring of 2009.
In English.
| 1193 | 0 | 11-06-2011 |
The Open Source Classism, Racism and Sexism Project | This is the Open Source Classsism, Racism and Sexism Project. This project is a series of independently created publications which I am compiling from sources all over the world. The first installment | 11344 | 0 | 04-09-2006 |
The Organic Internet: Organizing History's Largest Social | A book on the internet and activism. 80 pages.
Creative Commons License. 2007. By May First/People Link | 1633 | 0 | 03-08-2010 |
The Point is Not to Interpret Whiteness But to Abolish It | Essay by person who wrote Race Traitor. By Noel Ignatiev. 6 pages. | 1647 | 0 | 02-16-2004 |
The Power of Place How historic sites can engage citizens i | Tactics analysis.
By | 1400 | 0 | 01-22-2008 |
The Problem with Green Corps | This story appeared in a 2004 issue of Threshold Magazine, which is published by Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC). Anyone considering a position with Green Corps should read it so they k | 1821 | 0 | 04-08-2007 |
The Rise of Network Universities | Linkages and feedback mechanisms with other institutions increasingly characterize universities. These connections along with other aspects of restructuring lead to what we term, the Network Universi | 1490 | 0 | 04-12-2004 |
The Structure of the Field Rap | For use in canvassing. By the Progressive Action Network. 2 pages. | 1543 | 0 | 05-15-2006 |
Thinking About Anarchism | Anarchism: Its Aims, Principles and Methods Explained. An introduction. 23 pages. | 1418 | 0 | 11-12-2004 |
Tips for Facilitating a Conference Call | 6 Tips for Facilitating a Conference Calls. 2 pages. By the Student Environmental Action Coalition. | 2558 | 0 | 09-20-2003 |
Tips on Base Building | How to build a stronger organizational base. By Greg Akili. 3 pages. 2004. | 1317 | 0 | 10-13-2006 |
Top 10 Immigration Myths and Facts | Fact sheet.
By the National Immigration Forum, 2003. 2 pages. | 1766 | 0 | 11-19-2006 |
Torture American Style | By Historians Against the War. 24 pages. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, prisons and torture. | 1705 | 5 | 10-01-2005 |
Toward a Student Union | Toward a Student Union. On student unionism. By Jasper Conner. 28 pages. | 3971 | 0 | 01-11-2011 |
Toward an Anti-Corporate Strategy for the Peace Movement | A four-page outline of an anti-corporate (anti-capitalist) strategy for anti-war activism today.
Document file. | 1661 | 0 | 11-21-2006 |
Toward Collective Decision Making | Towards Collective Decision Making. By Prison Activist Resource Center. | 1401 | 0 | 09-19-2003 |
Toxic Waste and Enviromental Racism - A Report | Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty: 1987-2007. A report prepared for the United Church of Christ Justice & Witness Ministeries.
An extensive report on environmental racism.
175 pages.
| 1687 | 0 | 07-08-2008 |
Training for Change Manual for Dialogue Facilitators | TRICKS AND TREATS:
Facilitating Dialogue for Social Change -
Training for Change Manual for Dialogue Facilitators.
By Marie Bloom, Training for Change,, 2002, 32 pages. | 1331 | 0 | 11-19-2006 |
Transgender Equality: A Handbook for Activists and Policymak | A 100 page booklet on transgender rights. By the National Gay Lesbian Taskforce. | 1654 | 0 | 01-11-2004 |