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The Multicultural, Multiracial Sweat Equity SystemThe Multicultural Sweat Equity System for Creating The International, Multicultural, Peace Movement headquarters known as: The Networking For Peace Multicultural Cohousing Resource Neighborhood. O5036004-21-2005
The Occupation CookbookOn the Occupation of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb Croatia. It was occupied for five weeks in the Spring of 2009. In English. 1193011-06-2011
The Open Source Classism, Racism and Sexism ProjectThis is the Open Source Classsism, Racism and Sexism Project. This project is a series of independently created publications which I am compiling from sources all over the world. The first installment11344004-09-2006
The Organic Internet: Organizing History's Largest SocialA book on the internet and activism. 80 pages. Creative Commons License. 2007. By May First/People Link1633003-08-2010
The Point is Not to Interpret Whiteness But to Abolish ItEssay by person who wrote Race Traitor. By Noel Ignatiev. 6 pages.1647002-16-2004
The Power of Place How historic sites can engage citizens iTactics analysis. By NewTactics.org1400001-22-2008
The Problem with Green CorpsThis story appeared in a 2004 issue of Threshold Magazine, which is published by Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC). Anyone considering a position with Green Corps should read it so they k1821004-08-2007
The Rise of Network UniversitiesLinkages and feedback mechanisms with other institutions increasingly characterize universities. These connections along with other aspects of restructuring lead to what we term, the Network Universi1490004-12-2004
The Structure of the Field RapFor use in canvassing. By the Progressive Action Network. 2 pages.1543005-15-2006
Thinking About AnarchismAnarchism: Its Aims, Principles and Methods Explained. An introduction. 23 pages.1418011-12-2004
Tips for Facilitating a Conference Call6 Tips for Facilitating a Conference Calls. 2 pages. By the Student Environmental Action Coalition.2558009-20-2003
Tips on Base BuildingHow to build a stronger organizational base. By Greg Akili. 3 pages. 2004. 1317010-13-2006
Top 10 Immigration Myths and FactsFact sheet. By the National Immigration Forum, 2003. 2 pages.1766011-19-2006
Torture American StyleBy Historians Against the War. 24 pages. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, prisons and torture.1705510-01-2005
Toward a Student UnionToward a Student Union. On student unionism. By Jasper Conner. 28 pages. 3971001-11-2011
Toward an Anti-Corporate Strategy for the Peace MovementA four-page outline of an anti-corporate (anti-capitalist) strategy for anti-war activism today. Document file.1661011-21-2006
Toward Collective Decision MakingTowards Collective Decision Making. By Prison Activist Resource Center.1401009-19-2003
Toxic Waste and Enviromental Racism - A ReportToxic Wastes and Race at Twenty: 1987-2007. A report prepared for the United Church of Christ Justice & Witness Ministeries. An extensive report on environmental racism. 175 pages. 1687007-08-2008
Training for Change Manual for Dialogue FacilitatorsTRICKS AND TREATS: Facilitating Dialogue for Social Change - Training for Change Manual for Dialogue Facilitators. By Marie Bloom, Training for Change,, 2002, 32 pages.1331011-19-2006
Transgender Equality: A Handbook for Activists and PolicymakA 100 page booklet on transgender rights. By the National Gay Lesbian Taskforce.1654001-11-2004
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Number of results: 568