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Leveraging the Money Enforcing human rights by influencingThis notebook explains how the FoodFirst Information and Action Network influenced financial institutions to promote better protections for human rights or to prevent projects that would lead to hu1326001-22-2008
LGBT Campus Organizing ManualThe National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce's (NGLTF) lengthy campus organizing manual. 348 pages.3197011-13-2002
Liberation Theology LeafletGod is on the side of the poor and oppressed! Fits on a single regular sheet (double sided). By Aaron Kreider.3489002-28-2004
Life After Bush fliersQuarter Sheet Flier for YDS's "Life After Bush" NYC conference, Feb. 20-221225001-12-2004
List of Schools Making WeaponsCampU.S. Strike for Peace Campaign list of PentaVersities. See!2559010-02-2005
Living Wage Campaign Case Study - Colorado CollegePrivate college with no unions. In-depth. 16 pages. 2003. 1630010-01-2005
Lobbying TipsTalking to your Elected Representatives (Lobbying). 3 pages.1349009-20-2003
Long Island University BrooklynLong Island University Brooklyn's FIRST Disorientation Guide (2015).1765509-18-2016
LSU Disorientation Guide 2002Lousiania State University Disorientation Guide from the Spring of 2002.2288004-12-2011
Making a Choice: Conscientious Objection or Refusing to RegiWhy some people choose noncompliance with registration and the draft, rather than registering and hoping to qualify for alternative service as conscienscious objectors.1330003-09-2005
Making Citizen-Soldiers: ROTCMaking Citizen-Soldiers ROTC and the Ideology of American Military Service By Michael S. Neiberg. This book examines the Reserve Officers Training Corps program as a distinctively American express3413001-26-2004
March 20th Books Not Bombs PostersPosters for the March 20th Global Day of Action with 5 different themes: *Funding For Education Not Empire! *Military Out of Our Schools! End the Poverty Draft!*Protect Our Civil Liberties! *Campuses 11988003-03-2004
March 4th Books Not Bombs Organizing PacketThis is an Organizing Packet for the March 4th Books Not Bombs day of action. It contains: *the March 4th call to action *ideas for events & actions *tips on messaging, media work and fundraising 1440002-16-2004
March 4th Books Not Bombs ResourcesThis is a two page guide of weblinks for additonal resources, materials and organizations related to the March 4th Books Not Bombs day of action.1345002-16-2004
March 5th 2003 Strike Organizing PacketThe packet for organizing for the March 5th 2003 One Day Student Strike against the war. Produced by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition. 18 pages.1512001-17-2004
Martin Luther King -Take the King Challenge 2 page flyerOn King's Birthday, see if you can take Martin Luther King's Jr. 's words to heart - the words he spoke just 4 days before he was gunned down. This is a 2-page flyer. Distribute it to get one of Kin2896501-10-2009
Meaningful Student Involvement Research GuideSummarizes 15 of the foremost studies supporting students as active partners in school reform efforts. Includes findings and main points.1387006-23-2004
Meaningful Student Involvement Resource GuideThis booklet provides a range of support for Meaningful Student Involvement advocates and practitioners. Included here are a literature review that introduces readers to the wide array of tools avail1371005-31-2004
Media and Message: Little Black BookBy the Young People For. Part of the Little Black Book series. 2006. 44 pages.1534011-19-2006
Media Democracy Day FlyerMedia Democracy Day is a new campaign to raise awareness about the many ways the modern media system fails at supporting a constructive and informed democratic society.1577009-10-2002
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