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BigPath Flyer: The Draft. Bush History of Mistakes in IraqFlyer title: GEORGE BUSH HAS A HISTORY OF GETTING THINGS WRONG IN IRAQ -------------------------------- Flyer Copy/Theme: Weapons of Mass Destruction. Wrong Iraq-Al Qaeda Connection. Wrong Adequa1309010-18-2004
BigPath Flyer: The Draft & Foreign Policy, Scary Old GuysFlyer title: It's your future. Are you going to leave it in the hands of a bunch of scary old guys? -------------------------------- Flyer Copy/Theme: These men have had four years to do some good 1319010-18-2004
BigPath Flyer: Iraq Coalition/American Deaths (Updated DailyFlyer title: Number of Coalition/American Deaths in Iraq as of this date. -------------------------------- Flyer Copy/Theme: The Failure of the Bush Domino Theory in the Middle East: Democracy canĂ1324010-18-2004
BigPath Flyer: 4 Years of Lies on Iraq. What About Draft?Flyer title: Why would the president tell the truth about the draft? -------------------------------- Flyer Copy/Theme: Why would a president who lied about weapons of mass destruction lied about1342010-19-2004
An Action Guide to the Community Development Block Grant ProFor much of this period, one of the largest federal programs that is supposed to primarily benefit low income people is the Community Development Block Grant program, or CDBG. Every year the federa1972011-19-2006
An Action Guide for Education OrganizingFor organizing on educational issues. By the Center for Community Change., 2005. 104 pages.1790011-19-2006
Strong and Weak LanguageFor use in canvassing. By the Progressive Action Network. 1 page.1961005-15-2006
The Structure of the Field RapFor use in canvassing. By the Progressive Action Network. 2 pages.1540005-15-2006
The Five Basic Skills of Phone CanvassingFor use in phone canvassing. By the Progressive Action Network. 1 page.1414005-15-2006
Carlessnesshood 101 for Healthier Air, Planet & PeopleForm for reaching auto makers to tell them to make cleaner air vehicles... copy & distribute1289010-31-2004
Foundation for the SeriesFoundation sessions for the series on anti-oppression and peace. 4-7 sessions. By SocialJusticeEducation.org1387005-03-2004
Educating about AdultismFour sessions. Educate about how youth are discriminate against by adults and adult institutions. By SocialJusticeEducation.org1867005-03-2004
198 Nonviolent TacticsFrom Gene Sharp's book: "The Politics of Nonviolent Action"2233009-19-2003
Sample Outreach/Educational Tools from Project YANOFrom the project on Youth and Non-military Opportunties (YANO). A list of their materials that can be ordered from them.2343001-25-2004
Student Fighting Walmart ToolkitFrom Walmart Watch. Student organizing campaign packet. 2005. 1710009-26-2005
FTAA and the MediaFTAA and Working With the Media. A 16 page booklet on how to communicate about the problems with the FTAA to the media. By the Student Sierra Coalition.1367009-20-2003
Genocidal genetic weaponsGenocidal weapons seek to selectively kill ethnic groups by targeting their DNA. Gene therapy can be turned around to develop these weapons. Legal issues are also discussed.1373002-06-2003
Importance of Joining a NetworkGet Networked: Why You Need to Join National and Regional Organizations. 4 page essay. By Aaron Kreider.1786405-28-2004
Common Problems with MeetingsGetting Stuck: Common Problems with Meetings and Some Solutions. By Randy Schutt. 7 pages.2159009-20-2003
How to Abolish WarGlobal Action to Prevent War is a comprehensive project for making armed conflict increasingly rare. Step-by-step, Global Action would establish a comprehensive world security system composed of 1594011-08-2005
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Number of results: 568