Resource | Long Description | Downloaded | Rating | Update |
Inside the Capitalist Education System | During the past decades, the schooling sector has become an industry like any other. Education is no longer a service to the society but a multimillion dollar business where the students are the commo | 1591 | 0 | 08-25-2017 |
Interfaith Worker Justice Campus Alliance Agreement | In an effort to remain connected as students, faculty, and campuses around issues of faith and economic justice IWJ is pleased to announce the IWJ Campus Alliance program - a new and exciting way for | 1408 | 5 | 04-28-2010 |
Introduction to Intersex Activism: A Guide for Allies | By Intersex Initiative Portland. 2003. 2nd Edition. 32 pages. | 1389 | 0 | 03-15-2012 |
Investing in Progressive Leadership Development: Building a | In order to secure a lasting victory in the battle for America's future, it is essential for progressives to
identify, empower and sustain the active engagement of the next generation of leaders. You | 1596 | 0 | 11-19-2006 |
Iran - Let's Start With Some Facts | One page leaflet by War Times about Bush's threats to Iran. | 2778 | 0 | 07-07-2008 |
Iran in the Crosshairs | Iran in the Crosshairs: How to Prevent Washington's Next War.
A detailed report by the Institute for Policy Studies.
44 pages.
2008. | 1253 | 0 | 07-07-2008 |
Iran Next? | A fact sheet that compares the possibility of a US attack on Iran to what the US did to Iraq.
By Women Against War.
2 pages. | 1241 | 0 | 11-20-2007 |
Iraq and al-Qaeda | There was no connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda.
By Elizabeth Wrigley-Field and Emily Goldstein, Campus Antiwar Network.
8 pages. | 1234 | 0 | 05-04-2004 |
Iraq war | A flyer titled "What Is War With Iraq Really About?" that discusses why oil is one bad reason, but not the most important bad reason, why American leaders want a war on Iraq. | 1787 | 0 | 12-07-2002 |
Iraq War for Democracy??? | An article about why U.S. leaders have no intention of making Iraq democratic, because they don't even want the U.S. to be democratic. | 1591 | 0 | 12-07-2002 |
ISO New Members Packet: Study Guide (Socialism) | International Socialist Organization (ISO) New Members Packet. Covers socialism history and also the present.
77 pages. | 1490 | 0 | 12-12-2008 |
Israel Campus Divestment Guide | Fighting the New Apartheid : A Guide to Campus Divestment From Israel. By Fayyad Sbaihat. 34 pages. 2005 | 1359 | 0 | 10-01-2005 |
IWW Organizing Manual | Industrial Workers of the World organizing manual for union organizers.
24 pages. | 1552 | 0 | 07-08-2008 |
Join WRC Leaflet I | Use this leaflet and you too will win your campaign! | 1699 | 0 | 04-02-2002 |
Join WRC Leaflet II | By Notre Dame PSA. | 1599 | 0 | 04-02-2002 |
JROTC is Fascist | Compares JROTC to Nazism and Italian Fascism, and provides other reasons why it is bad. 2 pages. Legal sized (8.5 * 14). | 1798 | 0 | 11-12-2004 |
Know Your Rights - Canada | A pamphlet for activists in Canada who want to know their rights vis a vis police. By Ontario Public Interest Research Group. 19 pages. | 3401 | 0 | 01-14-2003 |
L'ABC D'une Occupation | Guide pour organizer une occupation. 10 pages. En français. In french. Par l'Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Etudiante. | 1503 | 0 | 09-20-2003 |
Labor struggles at Notre Dame | this is a leaflet that will be handed out on multiple ocassions in support of workers rights. this is not a general leaflet, but hopefully other students can use the format or use it as a tool. | 1506 | 0 | 10-09-2002 |
Less Waste | Flyer on using less for a more sustainable world | 1510 | 0 | 03-16-2005 |