In Our Own Words: Immigrants' Experiences in the Northwest
The Northwest, along with the nation, is in the midst of a
polarized and contentious debate about immigration. Politicians
and the media paint conflicting pictures of the influence
of immigrants on our communities and the economy,
and argue whether and how the nation should welcome or
discourage immigration. As this debate grows louder, seldom
heard are the voices of immigrants themselves.
Sound decisions about immigration policy must be informed
by the voices of those who are directly affected. This
report presents testimonies from 230 immigrants who live
and work in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. The experiences
documented here include those of traveling to the
United States, working without legal protections, connecting
with family members, dealing with discrimination, accessing
basic services like health care and education, and
navigating the immigration system.

By the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations. 2006. 40 pages.

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Added on 11-19-2006
Updated on 11-19-2006



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