Creating Multicultural Ecovillage Activist Communities
This resource will discuss how creating multiracial, multicultural intentional communities and non-traditional activist groups (known as Social-Justice Diversa-Villages) are the most effective means of using time, rent, utilities, gas, travel time, childcare resources and volunteers in long-term organized resistance activities.

For students, the bottom line to these communities is… do you want your home/dormitory, study room, your babysitter and your job in 4 remote areas of the city? Or do you want them all in one community? And if you want them in one community… are you willing to help create it? Don’t wait for someone else to create it… start creating it today!

Everyone worldwide will find this to be a valuable and very timely resource for several reasons:

A. Due to the concerns of petrocollapse, many people are considering alternate forms of housing.

B. In addition, due to entire communities devastated by tsunami's and disasters caused by global warming, many people are considering alternate, non-traditional methods of creating and rebuilding new communities.

The community inclusive, open source nature of this resource makes it a very important project which may change the way in which activists live, work and network worldwide.

There is a document version available, but the pdf version (which is also available) produces the best printed results.

On this website ( or or you will find the document version and three Photo-Free versions of the 16 page article which loads faster. The photographs were removed for this version of the booklet to assist people with computer software for screen readers needing photo-free Braille support and to assist those with computer software for multilingual translations. The photographs were also removed to assist those people around the world who have dial-up modems for internet access and may have difficulty printing out the larger version of this booklet that contains photographs. These versions are available in order to reach out to people of all races, physical abilities and social classes around the world.

Presetations and workshops to explain this document are give regularly around the country. For more information call (207)871-5300 for meeeting times, daes and location information available 24 hours a day.

Thank you very much.

Love for the people,


-T, the Peace Guru

"True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice."

-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Times Downloaded: 222
Added on 01-11-2006
Updated on 04-07-2006

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