Daxton Gutekunst
Permanent Address

San Diego, California 92103
United States
This is a campus activist.
I am the Founder and President of KidByKid, a 501(c)3 non-profit about kids helping kids. While tutoring refugee children in the 7th Grade, I saw first-hand the difference one young person can make in a child's life. It inspired me to create KidByKid (KBK).

KBK enables Middle and High School students (Tutors) to provide life-changingacademic opportunity and support to Elementary and Middle School students (Learners) from underserved refugee, immigrant, and English-as-a-Second-Language communities. KBK pairs Learners with Tutors to navigate academic challenges and directly impact children's lives via one-on-one tutoring. KBK reaches Learners in collaboration with school districts, NGOs, and community-based organizations while accessing Tutors through Community Service Clubs at Middle and High Schools.
Added on 08-30-2021
Updated on 08-30-2021

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