Robert Eggleton
Permanent Address

Charleston, West Virginia 25302
United States
As a member of the original SDS in the 1960s and early 1970s, all I can say is super cool that student activism still exists! I majored in social work and after finishing my master’s in 1977 I went into youth advocacy where I’ve stayed with some adjustments and side initiatives ever since. I work as a therapist in a community mental health program today. In 2006, I created the Lacy Dawn Adventure project to raise funds to prevent child maltreatment in my home state, West Virginia. The most recent review of Rarity from the Hollow, a SF/F satire was published about a week ago:

My early experiences with activism continue to heavily influence my writings. More information about this project is available if you are interested. Thanks for your existence. As you grow older, I hope that your ideals and energy remain high.
Added on 09-07-2014
Updated on 09-07-2014

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