Jeremy Malman
Both Address

San Diego, California 92131
United States
This is a campus activist.
PhD Student, Clinical Psychology;
Graduate Student Gov't Association, Clinical PhD Representative; Gov't Affairs Committee Member, San Diego Psychological Association; Leadership and Advocacy Scholarship recipient.
General Interests: My family, my garden, and my sanity.
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Books: Catcher in the Rye, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Women by Charles Bukowski, and Jesus' Son by Dennis Johnson (a non-religious, semi-autobiographical collection of short stories about a young man named fuck-head)
Political Views: I don't really identify with anyone or anything that identifies as anything other than what they truly are. Whatever that may be, to restrict oneself to a 'political view' would most definately hinder or stifle that process.
Occupation: PhD student
Networking Goals: Not sure yet.
Added on 07-27-2009
Updated on 07-27-2009

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