Will O'Brien
Permanent Address

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
United States
Will O’Brien is Special Projects Coordinator at Project H.O.M.E., a nonprofit organization in Philadelphia that develops solutions to homelessness and poverty. He has been active in advocacy on issues of homelessness and poverty for over twenty-five years. Since 1993 he has also been coordinator of The Alternative Seminary, a grassroots program of theological and biblical study. For many years he worked on the editorial staff of The Other Side, an independent Christian magazine that covers social and spiritual issues. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the University of Virginia.

General Interests: Progressive Christianity
Economic justice
Sabbath Economics
Homelessness, poverty
Political Views: Radical
Occupation: Human services/teacher/writer
Networking Goals: Connect with more progressive people of faith interested in economic justice, a healthy community, and human dignity
Added on 01-31-2009
Updated on 01-31-2009

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