Matthew Naiche
School Address

Mescalero, New Mexico 88340
United States
Permanent Address

Mesalero, New Mexico 88340
United States
My nick name is Matt. I was born April 17, 1993. I grew up in Mescalero and lived here all my life. I am a direct descendant of the famous Chief Cochise, Chief Taza and Chief Naiche.
General Interests: Im intrested in moving away from here starting a new life for my self and my future and going to Sherman to graduate. I wish I could.
Favorite Music: I listen to anykind of music. Even country...oh but except Gospel, Jazz, and Elevator music.
Favorite Books: My favorite book is "The Outsiders". It's a good's about a teenage boy growing up in a world of gangs and violence.
Occupation: Student
Added on 01-27-2009
Updated on 01-27-2009

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