Nate Martel
Permanent Address

Amherst, Massachusetts 01002
United States
This is a campus activist.
I am a twenty four year old musician, writer, and recent graduate of UMass Amherst (2008). I play music in the local venues and want to be more active in the community. Education costs are increasingly rising at a rate nearly double that of regular inflation. The lower class is pretty much almost muscled out of higher education and the middle class is next. We need to make education available to everyone. First we need to take back UMass. In a state that values education so highly it is despicable for its biggest public University to have such an elitist outlook.
General Interests: Music,Art, Philosophy, Politics, Science, Strange things, Nature,
Reading, Sports, many others
Favorite Music: Jimi, Pink Floyd, Hella, Don Caballero, Led Zeppelin, Mars Volta, The Hosemobile, Radio Head, Mogwai, The Mercury Program, Jaco, Miles, Tool, John Cale, Primus, Nirvana, Isis, Opeth, Pelican, Etta James, James Taylor, Stevie Wonder, Pantera, MMW, the Dead
Favorite Books: Utopia, Candide, Catcher in the Rye, Go Ask Alice, Alice in Wonderland, Brave New World, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Mrs Dalloway, On the Road, anything by Carlos Castenada, anything on philosophy, religion, the abstract, and psychedelic.
Political Views: -I do not necessarily believe that all humans are created equal, but I do believe that the system we have should treat them all equal and ensure that everyone is offered the same opportunities.
- Abolish the never ending campaign, and two party system
Networking Goals: Meet other People passionate about the education, and moreover world equality.
Added on 01-19-2009
Updated on 01-19-2009

Take Back UMassMassachusetts

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