Linda Nelson
Permanent Address

Glendale, California 91204
United States
Currently I am organizaing a grassroots activist campaign to bring the homeless crisis to the attention of our political candidates. We are using our film, SKID ROW, to raise awareness and and attract activists to join our campaign.
General Interests: Producing and distributing independent films, raising awareness about the homeless crisis facing this country.
Political Views: I believe that our country is facing a critical need for change and that we need to focus on our problems at home rather than an expensive war in Iraq. Poverty, mental illness, homeless veterans, lack of affordable housing and health care are issues lead
Occupation: Filmmaker
Networking Goals: To find at least one student activist at each school in the country to screen our film, SKID ROW to help recruit students willing to join our campaign to end homeless by making sure that our political candidates understand that this must be addressed.
Added on 04-29-2008
Updated on 05-24-2008

UCLA Student ActionCalifornia


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