Vanessa Prell
Both Address

Washington, District Of Columbia 20001
United States
This is a campus activist.
Vanessa is prone to extended lists of outlandish adjectives. She has dedicated one quarter of his life (and counting) to anti-oppression work, and continues these efforts as the Executive Director of NUJLS. An old hand at program development and workshop leading, he has conducted workshops on topics as varied as becoming an ally, sex education, religion and abortion, rape culture, and identity politics. Her background in youth empowerment has led her to work with high school and college aged youth. She graduated from UC Santa Barbara with honors, and degrees in Literature and the Study of Racism.
General Interests: anti-oppression activism, crocheting, rescuing animals, cynicism, Judaism and its traditions, catching up with my friends.
Favorite Music: The Pogues, Flogging Molly, Dar Williams, Great Big Sea, Indigo Girls, Joni Mitchell, Ani.
Favorite Books: Satanic Verses, One Bad Rat, My Gender Workbook, Speaker for the Dead, This Bridge Called My Back, Loving in the War Years. Anything by Woolf
Political Views: Socialist and generally complicated :)
Occupation: Executive Director
Networking Goals: Connect with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and intersex Jewish students and our allies.
Added on 12-17-2007
Updated on 12-17-2007

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