David Duhalde
Permanent Address

New York, New York 10038
United States
This is a campus activist.
David Duhalde was born and raised in New York City. Since a young age David has been interested in politics and history. David was first exposed to pro-labor/anti-capitalist activism through his parents’ respective experiences. Both were active in the labor movement and Chile Solidarity. David was primarily involved in anti-sweatshop work in high school. He organized rallies to DC, city wide demonstrations, and wrote articles for young people’s progressive magazines. In 2002, he began studying at Bowdoin College in Maine. At Bowdoin he helped found a Young Democratic Socialists. Active in both YDS and the College Democrats, he helped build bridges between the left in turning out the vote against Bush in 2004. The YDS chapter also led successful social justice campaigns such as Bowdoin going sweat-free in its Bookstore apparel.

On his summer vacations David often could be found in the labor movement. He participated in the AFL-CIO’s “Union Summer” at 18. He also worked in the political department of UNITE, campaigned against Bush with SEIU and America Coming Together, and interned at the Hong Kong-based China Labour Bulletin. After graduating, David worked as an assistant director of New York door-to-door fundraising of the Democratic National Committee. In August, he happily left to organize for his first love, YDS, full-time.
Added on 11-24-2006
Updated on 11-24-2006

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