John Maloney
School Address

Tallahassee, Florida 32304
United States
This is a campus activist.
John Maloney is a law student in his third year at the Florida State University College of Law where he is a member of the Dean's List. After receiving a degree in Political Science from Florida Atlantic University, he participated in fund raising efforts for the Scholastic Achievement Foundation and local political races. John recently founded the non-profit website that raises money for charities in a unique way.

John believes that the best way to achieve improved water conditions is to combine local conservation and pollution reduction efforts with aggressive restoration programs. If elected to office, he believes he will be able to drum up the support and financial resources to combat the problems that effect our local environment.

John realizes that protecting our environment is not only valuable because it conserves our natural resources, but also makes good business sense. Florida's success is not only built upon low income taxes, but also the allure of its scenic beauty. By taking an aggressive approach to improving our wetlands, Leon County citizens will benefit from the corresponding appreciation of their property values.
Added on 07-19-2006
Updated on 07-19-2006

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