Scott Goldstein
School Address

Washington DC, District Of Columbia 20016
United States
I am a 19 year old student at American University in Washington DC. My first book, e2k:the story of election 2000 and its impact on America's youth, was published in 2001.

I first volunteered in politics in 1992 at the age of seven for Bill Clinton's campaign. It was not until the 2000 Presidential Election however that I really got active. As a volunteer for the Al Gore Campaign I worked at the grassroots level to get out the vote. Following the election and the 36 day legal battle that followed, I began writing my first book. In 2004 I was very active in the Howard Dean Presidential Campaign and the youth movement Generation Dean. I began by going to a Meetup in New Jersey. Once I got to school in D.C. I got active in the campus Generation Dean chapter, and then on the national level.

My new book, The Tea is in the Harbor: How Democrats can restore Democracy in America, was just released.

Following the Campaign I interned in Burlington, VT for two months at Democracy for America, Gov. Howard Dean's political action committee. I currently works for Democracy for America organizing student "Generation DFA" groups across America and assisting in the field program.
Added on 06-16-2005
Updated on 11-27-2007

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