Jake Stockwell
School Address

Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
United States
Permanent Address

Micaville, North Carolina 28755
United States
This is a campus activist.
I go to Antioch College and currently working on a zine by a collective of sheepherders i have come to known as family in Big Mountain. I was a sheepherder for four months this winter/spring in which I supported a Navajo grandma resisting relocation. The zine is in process. Yet relocation caused by corporate greed, strip mining is very real. So while I am in process the dine are threatened forget their culture and leave behind their lives. My involvment with indigenous rights has been planted in Big Montain but I would love to know where others are working with indigenous peoples.
In Solidarity.
Relocation is not a word in dine. "To relocate means to not exist, to dissapear, never to be seen again."
Pauline Whitesinger
Added on 05-17-2005
Updated on 05-17-2005

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