Dave Rosenfeld
Permanent Address

Portland, Oregon 97214
United States
This is a campus activist.
David Rosenfeld is the Student PIRG's Program Director. A ten year veteran
of the PIRGs, Rosenfeld has worked with students around the country on numerous successful campaigns. In his previous position as California PIRG
Organizing Director, Rosenfeld helped California students lower textbook prices, register tens of thousands of students to vote, and expand renewable energy programs. In his current capacity, Rosenfeld works with the students and staff of the seventy student PIRG chapters around the country to develop
and execute effective, cutting edge student-led social change campaigns around environmental protection, hunger and homelessness, voter
participation, and higher education. In addition to his work with the PIRGs, Rosenfeld was the Pennsylvania State Director for MoveOn.org's Fall 2004 Leave No Voter Behind campaign. A native of New Jersey, Rosenfeld
graduated from Rutgers University in 1991 with a B.A. in Political Science.
He currently is based in Sacramento, CA.
Added on 04-01-2005
Updated on 06-09-2005

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