Beatriz Lizama
School Address

Aptos, California 95003
United States
Permanent Address

Soledad, California 93960
United States
Hi as you know my name is Beatriz.I passionate about issues surrounding my raza and I am interested in staying informed on political issues coming up.I am limited to how much of my time I can offer being that I am a single mother starting over and all, yet I am very eager to work my way into "el movimiento" for our people.And I feel electronic emailing is an excellent start for myself.I am so honored and grateful to have this opportunity to get involved.Please keep me updated.One issue that is of concern to me at this time, is the closing of our Monterey County Free Libraries over in Salinas.Being that this community is predominantly hispanic really concerns me.I feel if we allow this to happen once they'll do it again.I look forward to corresponding with your website.I appreciate any responses.I would also like to know what has or is being done at this time about the issue with our libraries.
Added on 01-10-2005
Updated on 01-10-2005

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