Jessica Marques
Permanent Address

San Francisco, California 94110
United States
The Mexico-US Solidarity Network (aka Mexico Solidarity Network or MSN) is dedicated to the struggle for democracy, economic justice and human rights on both sides of the US-Mexico border. The Network believes that civil society must play the leading role in development of these values. Civil society must develop as a political force with democratic spaces that are outside of the party/establishment context, but always interacting with this context to force social change. The program of the Network:
· Increases grassroots democratic spaces,
· Develops grassroots consciousness and organizing skills,
· Increases effective contacts between grassroots activists and elected officials,
· Develops institutional structures and networks that are effective agents for social change,
· Develops effective bi-national strategies within civil society to confront common problems,
· Increases links between Mexican and US civil society,
· Increases educational opportunities so that people on both sides of the border can better understand common problems and develop effective strategies, and
· Increases opportunities for strategic, effective activism that will impact bi-national policies.
Added on 01-03-2005
Updated on 01-03-2005

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