Patricia Feeney
School Address

Berea, Kentucky 40404
United States
This is a campus activist.
- Campaign Coordinator for Youth Power Shift... strengthening the student and youth grassroots network for clean energy by sharing resources and building collective power
- Berea College HEAL coordinator for the Ten by Ten Campaign: pushing Berea College to commit to 10% renewable energy by 2010

** Both campaigns function under the premise that, as youth working for a healthier future and a greater quality of life, we should begin with the transformation of our institutions which are the largest investors in nuclear and fossil fuels.

- I also support and participate in the mobilization of students to anti-war events, SOA protests, anti-imperialism events, and on and on.
Added on 08-07-2003
Updated on 06-27-2005

Berea College5-2005

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