Jeremy Spindler
School Address

Amherst, New York 14228
United States
Permanent Address

Cairo, New York 12413
United States
Im franco/american having lived in Brazil half my life, therefore have seen lots of injustices, poverty and inequalities in the course of my life. I m studying At the Univeristy @ Buffalo Media Studies concentrated in video production. Would like to work in Documentary related field in future.

My focus of interests specifically lie in changing the electoral college system and campaign reforms in order to have a true multi party democratic system in which a citizen does not have to vote for the lesser of two evils.
I expect to help achieve this goal by using my video production skills specifically in camera/image work and editing.

Without a doubt i believe reforms can be lobbied and enacted if their carrying organzisantions can use the media to its advantages.
Added on 10-02-2004
Updated on 10-02-2004

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