Alicia Payne
Permanent Address

Wellston, Oklahoma 74881
United States
This is a campus activist.
I am a 26 year old who has lived with a left/right traumatic brain injury for the past almost nine and a half years of my life. I finished college with an Associates in Science. I'm manager of a TBI Community web ring, webmaster of a few of the sites on there, director of a volunteer service, TBI Raiders, and an advocate on disability rights and awareness on traumatic brain injury (tbi).

I have spoken twelve plus times on TBI and have given a couple of workshops on TBI. I was chosen to go to the National Youth Leadership Conference as the Oklahoma delegate for Oklahoma youth with disabilities. I am now a member of NYLN and serve on the research and public information committees. I am on both the United We Ride Advisory Committee and IDEA-B Advisory Panel here in Oklahoma.

From November of 2001 to April 2003 I was the Oklahoma Association of Higher Education And Disabilities (OK-AHEAD) student representative. I was a student leader the first seven semesters I was in college.
Added on 08-14-2004
Updated on 05-04-2007

TBI Raiders

TBI RaidersOklahoma

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