Sohail Mahmood
Permanent Address

Islamabad, Islāmābād 44000

Dr. Sohail Mahmood
Preston University, 85, Street 3, H-8/1, Islamabad - 44000, Pakistan
Phone: +92 51 111-707-808 (office)
+92-51- 2107416 (residence)
Fax: 092- 051-4430648
Cell: +92 345 511 79 21
Residential mailing address: 39A, St. 27, F-10/1, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan

Ph.D. with Honors (Political Science), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA, 1993.

M.A. (International Studies), Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ, USA, 1981.

B.A. (Political Science), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, 1979.

Professional experience
June 2006-Present.
Director, Institute of International Affairs & Diplomacy and Associate Dean, Department of International Relations, Preston University. In charge of the M.Sc. programs in International Relations and International Diplomacy. Teaching courses in both degree programs and supervising research in the Institute.

July 2005-June 2006.
Senior Research Scholar, ISSRA, National Defense College. June 2005-June 2006. Member editorial committee, NDC Journal, National Defense College, Islamabad

August 2004-June 2005.
Program Coordinator, Integrated Bachelors/Masters Program and Associate Professor, Political Science & International Relations, College of Arts & Sciences, Foundation University, Islamabad.
Member, Academic Council, Foundation University, Islamabad, during 2004–2005.

January 2003-July 2004.
Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Politics & International Relations, International Islamic University, Islamabad. Responsible for the administration of a medium-sized department offering PhD and Masters degree programs. Member, Academic Council, International Islamic University, Sep. 2003–July 2004.

Member, Board of Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Fall 2002–July 2004. Member, Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, Fall 2002–July 2004. Member, Board of Studies/Research/Training, Department of Education, Fall 2002–2004.

Organized a one-day seminar on “Present American Foreign Policy Interests in the Middle East & South Asia”, May 8, 2003. Supervised, 8 MA theses during 2003-2004 academic year.
Fall 2003.
Visiting Faculty, MA Political Studies program, Area Studies Center for Africa, North & South America, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad & Department of Shariah & Law, International Islamic University, Islamabad.

Spring 2003.
Visiting Faculty, B.Sc. program, SZABIST, Islamabad,

Supervised, M. Phil thesis, Department of Defense & Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University.

Assistant Professor, Area Studies Center for Africa, North & South America, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.

Spring 2002.
Visiting Faculty, M. Phil program, Department of International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.

Fall 2001.
Visiting Faculty, M. Phil program, Department of Defense & Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad & MA program, Department of Politics & International Relations, International Islamic University, Islamabad.

Fall 1999.
Visiting Faculty, Alta Vista College, University of London external B.Sc. program, Islamabad.

Consultant, UNDP/Good Governance Group Project, Government of Pakistan, Planning and Development Division, Islamabad,

Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Supervised two MA theses during 1987-1988. Member, Board of Studies, Department of Political Science during 1986-1988.

Fall 1998.
Visiting Faculty, B.Sc. program, Hamdard University, Islamabad

Visiting Faculty, MBA program, Punjab College of Business Administration, Lahore

Summer 1994.
Instructor, American Government, Houston Community College, Houston, TX, USA,

Visiting Research Consultant, Center for South Asian Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Co-edited, “South Asian Scanner- Digest of Contemporary Events in South Asia”, Center for South Asian Studies during 1984-1985.

Marketing Officer, National Fertilizer Marketing Limited, National Fertilizer Corporation, Lahore

Publications (Books & Monographs)
Good Governance Reforms Agenda in Pakistan: Current Challenges, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA (under print)

The Musharraf regime and the governance crisis: a case study of the Government of Pakistan, ISBN: 1-59033-135-4; Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA, 2001 (286 pp).

Islamic fundamentalist movements in Pakistan, Egypt and Iran (1995) Lahore: Vanguard (455 pp).

Bureaucracy in Pakistan: A historical analysis (1990) Lahore: Progressive (104 pp).

The concept of an Islamic state (1989) Lahore: Classic (191pp).

The development debate in India and Pakistan: Myth and reality (1989) Lahore: Progressive (115 pp), Urdu translation Taraki ki Haqiqat (1989) Lahore: Classic (144 pp).

The Sindh report (1989) Lahore: Classic (107 pp).

The Sikh question: from constitutional demands to armed conflict, with Sarfaraz Hussain Mirza and Syed Farooq Hasnat (1985) Lahore: University of the Punjab (358 pp).

Book Chapters
“Hindu extremism, Indian Muslims and the issue of human rights”, The Rise of Hindutva Fundamentalism – South Asian Studies – VII (2003) Islamabad: Institute of Regional Studies, ISBN 969-8020-14-4, (53-93)

“Conference on Good Governance and Institutional Reforms”, D-8 Conference Report on Good Governance and Institutional Reforms, February 21-22, Islamabad, ed. Sohail
Mahmood (1999), Islamabad: Government of Pakistan, Planning & Development Division, Good Governance Group, (1-18).

“Major Challenges in the Contemporary International Environment Shaping the Debate on Good Governance and Institutional Reforms” D-8 Conference Report on Good Governance and Institutional Reforms, February 21-22, Islamabad, ed. Sohail Mahmood (1999), Islamabad: Government of Pakistan, Planning & Development Division, Good Governance Group, (111-162).

“The Measurement of Sound Governance”, D-8 Conference Report on Good Governance and Institutional Reforms, February 21-22, Islamabad, ed. Sohail Mahmood (1999), Islamabad: Government of Pakistan, Planning & Development Division, Good Governance Group, (560-613)

“The state of the economy of Pakistan”, Pakistan Today, ed. Raza Mehdi (1987) Lahore: Progressive (70-85).

Research Articles
“The Growing Influence of Evangelical Christianity on the Policies of the United States and their Implications for the Islamic World” International Affairs Forum, Center for International Relations Arlington, VA, USA March 27, 2007 (pp 49) http:

“Contemporary Developments in India-Pakistan Relations: The Peace Process and Beyond” International Affairs Forum, Center for International Relations
Arlington, VA, USA, January 5, 2006, (26pp) & Advance Contemporary Affairs, a quarterly journal of Council of Contemporary Affairs, Pakistan No. 49 2nd Quarter 2007 (pp 121-140).

“The Security Threat Situation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Current Trends and Developments” International Affairs Forum, Center for International Relations
Arlington, VA, USA, December 29, 2005, (18pp)<>

“The Government and Political System of Pakistan: An Analysis of the Current Reform Agenda” International Affairs Forum, Center for International Relations
Arlington, VA, USA, February 5, 2005, (117pp) <>
“Hindu extremism, Indian Muslims and the issue of human rights” (2003) Quarterly Journal of the Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad, vol. xxi, no. 1, Winter 2002-03, (88-116). Retrieved & reprinted in Contemporary Affairs, Book Thirty-two, Imtiaz Shahid, Ed. Lahore: Caravan Enterprises, 2003, (240-266)

“Salient governance issues and the Musharraf-Jamali Government: A case study of Pakistan”, (2003) Al-Siyasa: The Journal of Politics, Society and Culture (Lahore: Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab) no. 3, spring.

“The sustainable use and conservation of natural resources: A case study of Pakistan” with Umar Karim Mirza (2002). Electronic Green Journal, 16. ISSN: 1076-7975 UK. .

“Good governance and the Musharraf regime’s performance in 1999-2000” (2001), Pakistan Horizon, vol. 84 no. 2, April (33-83)

“Good governance strategies: the global paradigm shift” (2001), Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, vol. 38 no. 4, October (47-54).
“Good Governance Issues and the Musharraf Regime: An Analysis” (2001), The Asianists’ ASIA.Volume II (Paris) February 2001. ISSN 1298-0358. Edited by T. Wignesan and published for the Research Centre in Asian Studies [Centre de Recherché sur les Etudes Asiatiques], Créteil Cedex, France & &

“Pakistan and the Muslim world” (2001) Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan (Lahore) vol. 38, no. 1, Jan. (8-22).

“The Military regime and Pakistan’s political and administrative system: The performance of the Musharraf Regime in the first year (2000) Al-Siyasa: The Journal of Politics, Society and Culture (Lahore: Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab) no. 2, winter (1-40).

“Globalization, governance and Islam in the new millennium” (2000) Al-Siyasa: The Journal of Politics, Society and Culture (Lahore: Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab) no. 1, summer (75-97) & (2001) Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan (Lahore) vol. 38, no. 3, July (31-47).

“Pakistan’s governance crisis” (2000), Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan (Lahore) vol. 37, no. 3, July (19-39).

“Analysis of National Reconstruction Bureau’s plan for decentralization and devolution of power and responsibility”, with Rashid Ahmad Khan (2000), Political Science series 1, summer, Department of Political Science, Lahore: University of the Punjab (20 pp).

“Proposals for 2010 national program” (1998) Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan (Lahore) vol. 35 no. 2, April, Part I (25-50) and Part II, vol. 35 no. 3, July (17-46).

“An analysis of Pakistan’s transition towards democracy: Performance in the first half century” (1997) National Development and Security Quarterly Journal (Islamabad) vol. VI no. 2, Nov. (121-162) and reprinted (1988) Contemporary Affairs (Lahore).

“China and South Asia: Current Foreign Policy Dynamics”. (1997) National Development and Security-Quarterly Journal (Islamabad), vol. VI, no. 21, Aug., (33-47).

“India-Pakistan current military balance” (1987) Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan (Lahore) part I, vol. 24 no. 3 July (1-27) and part II vol. 24 no. 3, Oct. (45-65).

Iqbal S. Hussain, Terrorism in Action: Why Blame Islam? (Lahore London and Bonn: Humanity International, 2003) for Islamic Studies vol. 43, No. 2, summer 2004 (331-338).

Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr, Mawdudi and the making of Islamic revivalism (New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996) for Iqbal Review: Journal of the Iqbal Academy Pakistan (Lahore) vol. 38 no. 1, April, 1997 (170-182).

Habib Boulares, Islam: The fear and the hope (London: Zed Books, 1990) for The Muslim World Book Review vol. 12 no. 3, spring 1992 (9-11).

Mona Abul-Fadl, Islam and the Middle East: The aesthetics of a political discourse (Herndon, VA: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1990) for The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, (Herndon, VA), vol. 8 no. 2, Sep. 1991 (342-346).

State and politics in Islam, ed. Mumtaz Ahmad (American Trust Publications, 1986) for The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (Herndon, VA) vol. 7 no. 3, Dec. 1990 (446-451).

Malise Ruthven, Islam in the world (London: Oxford University Press, 1984) for Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (Jeddah) vol. 11 no. 1, Jan. 1990 (178-183).

Security for the weak nations: A multiple perspective, Anton Pelinka and Syed Farooq Hasnat, Eds. (Progressive Publishers, Lahore, 1987) for Pakistan Times, April 24, 1987.

Journal & Magazine Articles
“Crisis in Pakistan: Moving Closer to Chaos : Musharraf's perversions put Western powers in doubt” Safe Democracy Foundation May 17, 2007.

“Contemporary Political Developments in South Asia: The complex peace process between Pakistan and India”. Safe Democracy Foundation.

“Quest for peace in South Asia”
Feb 21, 2007

“Military Rule in Pakistan: A failed political party system” (2007) Safe Democracy Foundation

“Summary of the global war on terror: The United States, Israel, and Muslim radical movements” (2006) Safe Democracy Foundation

“Current Issues in Asian Security and the United States Regional Interests” (2006) International Affairs Forum, Center for International relations, September 20.

“Reflections on Global Sustainability and the Issue of Human Security” (2006) International Affairs Forum, Center for International Relations, < > September

“New Risks, New Threats: The Iranian Nuclear Crisis and Politics of the Western Powers” (2006) Safe Democracy Foundation

“India and Pakistan: Quest for Peace in South Asia” (2006) Safe Democracy Foundation.

“7 Years of Musharraf” (2006) Safe Democracy Foundation “UN, USA & WMD proliferation” (2004) Weekly Independent, Issue 47, vol. 3, May 13-19.

“Who is inviting wrath?” (2002) Weekly Independent, issue # 21, vol. 2, Nov. 14-20.

“War on Terror - The Next Phase” (2002) HumPakistan Online Magazine. . Oct. 8.

“The Legal Framework Order, 2002 and the Issue of Democracy” (2002) HumPakistan Online Magazine.

“Politics of Nuclear brinkmanship” (2002) HumPakistan Online Magazine.

“The issue of federalism” (2002) Digest of Current Affairs and Pakistan Affairs (monthly) Vol. 7, No. 9, Sep. 2002, 93-96.

“South Asian crisis: The dilemma of the Musharraf regime” (2002) HumPakistan Online Magazine. . July 31.

“War in subcontinent” (2002) Muslim .

“US and the general: Round 2” (2002) The Progressive Response Vol. 6, No. 5 February 15, 2002 The Progressive Response (PR) weekly service of Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF) — “Think Tank without Walls.” A joint project of the Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute

“WTC attack aftermath”. (2001) HumPakistan Online Magazine.

“Islamic Fundamentalism in the Muslim World” (1994) Our Times (monthly), Laguna Hills, USA, vol. 1, no. 5 & 6, Jan. and Feb.

“A debate on the issue of development in Pakistan” (1997) The Facts International (Lahore) vol. 8 no. 24, June.

“An agenda for the reform of Pakistan’s parliamentary system” (1997) The Facts International (Lahore) vol. 8 no. 21, June

“Reform of the parliamentary system of Pakistan” (1997) The Facts International (Lahore) vol. 8 no. 9, Mar.

“An agenda for reform of Pakistan’s political system” (1997) The Facts International (Lahore) vol. 8 no. 4, Jan.

“The crisis of governance in Pakistan” (1997) The Facts International (Lahore) vol. 8 no. 1, Jan.

“The New Struggle Ahead” (1991) The Message International. (New York) Mar.

Newspaper Articles
“Poverty and population control” (2006) Dawn, July 24.

“Tackling Religious Extremism” (2005) Dawn, Aug. 19.

“Iraq: The apathy of the Muslim World” (2003) The Frontier Post, Jan. 29.

“Apathy of Muslim world” (2003) The Nation, Jan. 27. .

“Governance crisis in Pakistan” (2003) Pakistan Observer, Jan. 16.

“The Muslim world, US’s regional interests and Saddam Hussein (2002) Frontier Post, Nov. 8.

“US belligerence and the world” (2002) Pakistan Observer, Nov. 7.

‘The US’s war against terrorism: The politics of the next phase” (2002) The Frontier Post, Oct. 8.

“The issue of federalism” (2002) Dawn, Aug. 10. & Gupshup Archive Aug. 10.

“War in Subcontinent” (2002) Muslim & June 2.

“Will the referendum be different this time” (2002) Dawn, April 27.

“The new war” (2001) The Statesman, Oct. 16; & also Frontier Post, Nov. 3. Reprinted in Tides World Press Update, 5 Nov. - no. 1. Retrieved from & “Articles of Significant Import” IDES World Press Update, no. 1, Nov. 5, 2001. & .

“The new war: US vs. Osama” (2001) Pakistan Observer, Oct. 17.

“The new war: looming dangers” (2001) Pakistan Observer and The Statesman, Oct. 10

“The post-Taliban scenario” (2001) Dawn, Oct. 6.

“The moment of truth” (2001) Pakistan Observer, Oct. 5

“As America goes to war” (2001) Pakistan Observer, Oct. 1.

“Lesser of two evils policy of Government” (2001) Pakistan Observer, Sept. 22.

“The emerging scenario” (2001) Pakistan Observer, Sept. 19.
“What’s wrong with having more provinces?” (2001), Dawn, July 7.

“Pakistan’s economic revival” (2001) Pakistan Observer, June 30.

“Upcoming Musharraf-Vajpayee summit” (2001) Pakistan Observer, June 27.

“Islamic state issue and Muslim nation” (2001) Pakistan Observer, June 23.

“Poverty and development agenda” (2001) Pakistan Observer, part I June 15, and part II June 16.

“Need for a new federal structure” (2001) Pakistan Observer, May 30.

“Meeting economic challenges” (2001) Dawn, May 26.

“Setting the future right” (2001) Dawn, April 29.

“On the crutches of myopia” (2001) Dawn, Mar. 11.

“Reform of public services” (2001) Pakistan Observer, part I Mar. 2, and part II, Mar. 3.

“Poverty and low human development in Pakistan” (2001) Dawn, Jan. 27.

“Economic crisis in Pakistan (2001) Pakistan Observer, part I Jan. 15, and part II, Jan 16.

“Reform of Pakistan’s fragile political system” (2001) Pakistan Observer part I Jan. 6, and part II Jan. 7.

“Musharraf’s political reforms agenda” (2000) Pakistan Observer, Dec. 21.

“System needs revamping” (2000) Dawn, Oct. 21.

“Governance issues” (2000) The Nation, Oct. 12.

“Devolution of power” (2000) The Nation, part I July 9, part II July 16, and part III July 23.

“Decentralization of power” and “Unique devolution of power plan” (2000) special supplement: Devolution of Power, Pakistan Observer, May 5.

“Citizens’ charter of human rights” (2000) Pakistan Observer, May 4.

“Need for an Islamic paradigm” (2000) Dawn, April 28. .

“The political party system” (2000) Pakistan Observer, part I April 9, and part II April 10.

“Public-private partnership model” (2000) Pakistan Observer, Mar. 15.

“Quest for government” (2000) Pakistan Observer, Mar. 9.

“Local government: lessons we can learn” (2000) Pakistan Observer, Mar. 5.

“Decentralization of power” (2000) Pakistan Observer, Feb. 29.

“Pakistan, globalization, and the new millennium” (2000) The Nation, Jan. 23.

“The lessons learnt?” (2000) Pakistan Observer, Jan. 4.

“Reforming the system and economy” (2000) Pakistan Observer, Jan. 1.

“The Islamic paradigm of politics” (1999) Pakistan Observer, Dec. 1.

“Ethics, values, and the development process” (1999) The Pakistan Times, part I Nov. 22 & part II Nov. 23.

“Political and economic agenda for the next millennium” (1999) The News International, Nov. 2.

“Politics of alliances and agitation” (1996) Frontier Post, Sep. 16.

“Reform of the public administration set-up” (1996) Frontier Post, Sep. 2.

“Politics of expediency” (1996) Frontier Post, June 28.

“Change for the better” (1996) Frontier Post, June 21.

“Historical perspective Bharitiya Janata Party (BJP): roots of venom” (1996) Frontier Post, May 31

“Caution is the watchword” (1996) Frontier Post, June 7.

“Facing the reality” (1996), Frontier Post, Jan. 26.

“A shadow of gloom” (1996) Frontier Post, Jan. 19.

“Rivals till eternity” (1996) Frontier Post, Jan. 1.

“Peace too precious” (1995) Frontier Post, Dec. 29.

“Pakistan: Facing the population challenge” (1987) The Muslim, Aug. 11.

“A special report on defense technology” (1987) Urdu translation Jang Magazine, Jan. 10.

“Sindh in turmoil” (1986) Urdu translation Jang Magazine Part I Sept. 25; and Part II, Dec. 18.

“A report on the educational crisis in Pakistan” (1986) Dawn. Part I Aug. 8; Part II Aug. 14; and Part III Aug. 22.

Professional Activities
Participant, Seminar on Diplomatic Training, Foreign Service Academy, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad April 24-26, 2007.

Member, Editorial Review Board, “Political Science” Scientific Journals International (SJI) Saint Cloud, MN, USA, April 2007- present.

Assistant Editor, International Affairs Forum, Center for International Relations, Herndon, VA, USA, May 2005 – Present.

Member, Board of Trustees, Center of Knowledge Generation, Institute of Research & Emerging sciences, Islamabad, January 2005- present.
External Examiner, M.Phil dissertation, Department of Defence & Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, April 16, 2007

Guest Speaker, “Good Governance in the Government of Pakistan”, Pakistan Planning and Management Institute, Planning and Development Division, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Dec. 19, 2006.

Radio Interview “Seven Years of General Musharraf”, Catalunya Radio, the national radio network in Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain Dec. 17, 2006.

Instructor, “Report writing mechanics”, Pakistan Planning and Management Institute, Planning and Development Division, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Feb. 15, 2002, May 21, 2003 and May 19, 2004, Nov. 8. & 14, 2006.

Interviewed by Fars News Agency International (Islamic Republic of Iran) “ Islamic Revolution Anniversary, Jasn 24, 2007; USA-Iran Relations” Oct. 28, 2006 published in Issue No. 8508090583 12/8/85 > & “Political Developments in the Iranian nuclear issue” on October 2, 2006 published in Issue No. 8506240197 24/6/85<>

Comments published on “Shaping the Future”, “Global Challenges to Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century” The Future of Sustainability: Have Your Say! IUCN , “The New Economy and Biodiversity”
, “Human Wellbeing and Sustainability”
Added on 06-06-2007
Updated on 06-06-2007

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