(Facilitator: Billy Parish) The Climate Campaign is the largest and most unified youth energy and climate activism coalition in the Northeast. We aim to make the 460 four-year colleges and universities in the Northeast (as well as active high schools) a driving force in reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in the region. These institutions are a training ground for future leaders, a laboratory for cutting edge research, a place to develop solutions to our biggest challenges, and an economic engine for the region. By making these institutions models of responsible energy policy, students can both have an immediate impact on greenhouse gas emissions and put significant pressure on state governments to follow suit.
This campaign brings together the six major student environmental networks in the Northeast – The Student PIRGs, Sierra Student Coalition (SSC), Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC), Center for Environmental Citizenship, Free the Planet and ECO-Northeast – in this ambitious effort.
To achieve these goals, The Climate Campaign has a steering committee with representatives from each participating student environmental network that will identify regional campaign goals and strategies for the network. The campaign also has an advisory board consisting of representatives from a wide range of national environmental organizations, including: Clear the Air, The State PIRGS, NRDC, Rainforest Action Network, Clean Water Action, Greenpeace, and Clean Air – Cool Planet. Through partnerships with these organizations, the Climate Campaign will be able to integrate student global warming activism with the activities of these large professional organizations, gain expertise on the issues, and provide resources for our member schools.
Geographical Scope: Regional Added on 07-01-2004 Updated on 08-08-2004 |