Georgia Tech: VOICE Student Advisory Board for Sexual Violence Prevention

740 Ferst Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
United States
VOICE is a campus-wide initiative to end sexual violence in the Georgia Tech community through cultural and institutional change. The Student Advisory Board provides student leadership in the design and implementation of VOICE programs. Members of the board will:

* Contribute to the development and evaluation of violence prevention and advocacy programs for women and men on campus;
* Participate in ongoing education within the group about sexual and relationship violence and other issues of social justice;
* Assist in the recruitment, selection, and training of peer educators and advocates;
* Contribute to the development and evaluation of a campus-wide media campaign;
* Organize student and other support to institutionalize the initiative.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 12-01-2004
Updated on 12-01-2004

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