Vegan Outreach

PO Box 30865
Tucson, Arizona 85751
United States
VEGAN OUTREACH (VO) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. VO is dedicated to reducing animal suffering by promoting a vegan lifestyle.

VO is working to promote veganism through the widespread distribution of our illustrated booklets, Why Vegan, Even If You Like Meat, and Try Vegetarian (formerly Vegetarian Living). These are distributed by many people, from middle school students to animal advocacy organizations.

One of our main campaigns is our Adopt A College program ( in which volunteers pass out our brochures on college campuses. We see this as a great way to reduce animal suffering and to help foster new generations committed to animal rights.

You can order copies, join Vegan Outreach, sign up for our e-mail newsletter, or request a free Vegan Starter Pack through our website!
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 11-25-2004
Updated on 08-31-2011

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