Syracuse Greens

2617 S Salina St,
Syracuse, New York 13205
United States
Green Party of Syracuse. We are a political party, with members on campuses, high schools, and community. We realize that a Green holistic, ecological, social and economically just and democratic movement is necessary and goes arm in arm with electoral poltics.

For Greens, the fights against racism, sexism, class exploitation, bureaucratic domination, war, and all other forms of social domination and violence are central to the movement for an ecologically sustainable society.

In order to harmonize society with nature,we much harmonize human with human.

We are working on education and opposition to the War, Youth & Militarism, (going into middle, high schools and college campuses)
as well as many other isses and desire for new members to join us and add their thoughts.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
This group is a network.
Added on 11-20-2004
Updated on 11-21-2004

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