Madison Infoshop

1019B Williamson Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
United States
The Madison Infoshop is a volunteer-run resource center available to the Madison and UW community. The Infoshop is a community space offering a range of resources including, but not limited to, books, magazines, videos, and topic files, from an activist perspective. Special topics our collection focuses on include agriculture and biotechnology issues, anti-sweatshop activism, university research and investments, local radical history, community development and economics, and d.i.y. resources.

We also organize many special events and direct actions related to a broad range of issues, and work frequently with many other community organizations. The infoshop originally began as a project of the UW-Greens, a multi-issue radical activist group on campus, and recently spun off into a community-oriented project. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to participate.

The politics of the InfoShop are non-partisan, and organization is along anarchist principles, but we welcome a diversity of political ideologies among our membership.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Metro
Added on 06-27-2004
Updated on 06-27-2004

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