Beehive Design Collective

3 Elm St.
Machias, Michigan 04654
United States
The Beehive Collective is a collectively run, all-volunteer non-profit that creates and disseminates graphics-based education tools about the effects of economic globalization on communities and ecosystems throughout the Western hemisphere.  Run entirely by youth, the collective has developed a unique methodology that translates the results of their participatory research in communities affected by neo-liberalism into large, intricate posters that are highly accessible to diverse audiences.  Beehive posters convey both the complexity of these large-scale historical processes, and the multitude forms of resistance being mounted to counter them, in ways that educate, inspire, and ultimately move audiences to take action.

We visit schools and organizations with storytelling presentations of our educational political graphics about the Free Trade Area of the Americas and Plan Colombia. We’re looking for locations to share this innovative popular education presentation that blends visual, interactive, and narrative elements. Our illustration-based communication strategy is punctuated with opportunities for audience participation… It’s to be understood by anyone, not just the experts and political analysts!
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 02-19-2004
Updated on 02-20-2004

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