FLOR - Feminist League of Organized Resistance

PO Box 17184
Louisville, Kentucky 40217
United States
We are a local community organization that works to eradicate gender inequality through educational and activist means. FLOR strives to educate the local community about patriarchal and related forms of oppression and to provide opportunities for members of the organization and members of the community to increase the presence of a local feminist culture.

We also publish a zine called Nonissue that comes out biannually. Each zine addresses various humanist topics related to a theme for that issue. Nonissue 4 - Radical Politics is currently being distributed at various local bookstores, coffee houses, and other shops. It is also available online at our website.

We were formally a student organization that has further branched out into the community and has become a self-sustaining non-profit.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 01-15-2004
Updated on 08-12-2005

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