Stop Abuse of Authority in the K-12 School System

P.O. Box 111
Swisshome, Oregon 97480
United States
Bring an end to the abuse of authority that treats our youth as second-rate to the agenda of the compulsory education system.

At the moment I am working on distributing copies of an open letter, 'Restroom Laws', that I wrote to all people required by the law to attend school. In the letter, I discuss issues regarding authority and freedom of personal choice, and the restroom. It is a message of empowerment and justice through non-violence. Check it out at the following address:

Please consider donating to my printing costs so that copies of the 'Restroom Laws' letter can be distributed to thousands of students. Follow this link to learn more about donating to my printing costs:

If nothing else to start with, I will at least scrape together whatever money I can to print out a couple hundred copies or so and take a trip to Eugene, Oregon, during the first two weeks of May, 2010, and distributing copies to as many middle- and high-school students I can find. I will start out the day at the opening gates of schools, and continue on to the library and other places frequented by young people throughout the day. I am looking for more people to get directly involved with this movement and help me spread the word on the streets, in school, on the internet, etc. I have a following of people on the Facebook network right now, including some people in my local area, but I still need more people who have the time to be dedicated to activism.

Later on, in late Spring and throughout Summer and Fall, I will be spending time at several public functions including festivals, Saturday markets, rock concerts, etc. and distributing my letter there.

The young people need to know the power is already in their hands to control their own destinies, and our culture needs to stop hiding this fact. Likewise, parents need to take an active part in this movement and advocate for young people, because many of them do not know how to advocate for themselves and will need a lot of help learning that they can give themselves the permission to stand up in the face of the abuse of authority.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: International
This group is a network.
Added on 04-20-2010
Updated on 04-21-2010


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