The Purple Solution

1066 Arbuta Road
Abington, Pennsylvania 19001
United States
America is in a downward spiral. We're caught in the middle of a deficit, recession, war and environmental crisis. Never has there been such a dire need to stand as one and demonstrate our desire for change. The Purple Solution is a group of concerned individuals. We question the government's ability to fulfill our democratic needs. Much has been said across the internet about our problems and how to change them. Yet, our voices are not being heard. We are currently planning a 5 city, 5 million person demonstration in the event that the election does not bring about change. The Purple Solution will act as the catalyst to facilitate the change that this country needs. What are the changes you would like to see happen? We want to make your thoughts and solutions heard. The Purple Solution will gather the nations opinions via textual, auditory, and visual documentation for global distribution. The information will be given to news sources, political parties, universities, and the global forum in an effort to make your changes happen. We need to show the global community that Americans are ready to take change into their own hands. We will not be ignored!
We have stood by for too long waiting for a leader to emerge that is not trapped within the failing Democratic process. It is clear that we must take action ourselves.

Please pass this on to everyone you know. We are spreading the word that in the event that change does not happen, we are going to mobilize the masses and demonstrate our need for change. Announcements about the events are coming, pending the election...

Spread the word. Change is coming. Get involved.

-The Purple Solution
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 09-14-2008
Updated on 09-29-2008

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