Art and Activism

6125 Hillcroft Dr.
Boston, New York 14025
United States
Hello folks! Art and Activism is a group of young adults from the Western New York area dedicated to spreading awareness and promoting peace in the community. We do this through various artistic projects, protests, festivals, and whatever else our imaginations can create. Our belief is that if people see that we are not afraid to stand up for our beliefs and think unconventionally, that same mindset and way of life will spread to even more individuals and other communities, and change will be brought about in our world. By doing this artistically, it sparks society's attention and consequently spreads awareness. Also, by embracing self expression and encouraging creativity, the world will be a more happy and peaceful place to coexist in. Every member has diverse talents, ideas, beliefs, interests, and goals, but we all share the common desire for peace and change (whatever that may be) in our world.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 07-23-2008
Updated on 07-23-2008


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