2008 ACLU Membership Conference

Washington Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place NW
Washingrib D.C, District Of Columbia 20001
United States
212-549-2500 x4224
Washington, D.C., is the place where we'll gather in June of 2008 to stand up for freedom.

ACLU members from throughout the U.S. will come to our nation's capital for three days of advocacy, leadership discussions, Capitol Hill meetings and hands-on activist training. Elected officials, celebrities, renowned experts, and some of the ACLU's most inspiring clients, will join us to stand up for freedom.

It's for new members and long-term members... for the young and not-so-young. If YOU are committed to letting this administration know that it must stop its abuses of power, then join us from June 8 - 10, 2008 to make your voice heard -- and make a difference.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 04-11-2008
Updated on 04-15-2008

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