Men United Against Sexual Assault

1741 State St
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601
United States
(608) 785-8888
We are an organization of men and women on the campus of University of Wisconsin ? La Crosse that deal specifically with educating others and ourselves about the root causes and social norms surrounding sexual assault. We understand that sexual assault is not just a women?s issue but is a men's issue as well. We realize that everyone contributes to the culture in which we live; and therefore, everyone has the ability to change the rape culture which is prevalent in our society today. Sexual assault is an issue we all must deal with due to the psychological and physical effects on the individual and our society as a whole. It is through the communication and collaborative work with all groups that we will begin to make a difference.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 11-01-2002
Updated on 11-01-2002

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