Caltech Environmental Task Force (CETF)

Environmental Task Force
Caltech, MSC 140-58
Pasadena, California 91125
United States
We help save the environment.

Partly, that means taking action: promoting recycling, bike lanes, xeriscaping, saving the rainforests and endangered animals, holding clean-ups...

But also, we try to give people a sense of appreciation and understanding for the outdoors. Each week we send out a surprising environmental fact, we welcome speakers on campus, go on hiking, biking, and kayaking trips, and explore our local environment with trips to the Salton Sea, marine aquariums, recycling plants, eco-houses...

Hopefully, people will develop a connection with the environment which will last their entire lives, and affect the world in a wide variety of unexpected ways :)
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 10-13-2002
Updated on 10-13-2002

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