6001 Dodge Street Eppley Administration Bldg #100 Omaha, Nebraska 68182 United States 402-554-6090Mission Statement:
To establish University of Nebraska at Omaha as a leader of environmental integrity.
To fulfill this Mission, EC UNO will:
• Consider the social, environmental and economic impact of University of Nebraska at Omaha policies and practices, and foster a participatory process to ensure the university operates and grows in a manner which respects our local and global environments.
• Adopt, develop and implement programs that leverage alternative technologies, resources, practices and procedures, to improve environmental quality and increase sustainability.
• Protect the biodiversity of our region, and serve as a leader in ecological stewardship.
• Create a culture within the University of Nebraska community which affirms our commitment to these principles, through education, research, community service, and administrative operations.
This is a campus group. Geographical Scope: Local Added on 12-03-2006 Updated on 02-16-2007 |