Stony Brook Social Justice Alliance

Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York 11794
United States
The Social Justice Alliance (SJA) is part of the global justice movement committed to the struggle for community, democracy and social justice. We begin with our own community-Stony Brook University- organizing discussions, workshops, political rallies, art exhibits, days of action, film screenings, and teach-ins. Nationally, we participate in rallies, protests, conferences, and calls to action.

Anti-war activism is a core component of SJA and throughout the year, we continuously seek to create a politically conscious environment on campus. We lead an organized struggle against corporate globalization, militarism, the growing power of corporations, and US imperialism.

We are also campaigning during the Fall 2006 semester in solidarity with United Students Against Sweatshops, fighting to end Stony Brook's contract with Coca Cola and demand that our school apparel is bought under fair labor conditions. Additionally, SJA organizes events around corporate responsibility.

The success of these actions depends a great deal on those who organize and participate in them. Therefore, SJA members seek to develop our own skills as activists while organizing political events to reach the wider community. These skills together with the knowledge we as activists possess are the greatest resources our political struggles can draw upon. The more we train ourselves and learn from others, the more longevity, momentum, and success our movement will have.

This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 09-16-2006
Updated on 09-17-2006

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